Take your timeTo do a good job and take as long as you need|go slowly, at your own time/speed|It means To do it at your own speed |In most cases it means, …
“take your time”的中文意思是“别急,慢慢来”。,本视频由小懒学堂原创提供,39774次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
Take your time. It means someone is allowing you to go at your own pace, to be as long as you need. It means it doesn't matter if a long amount of time …
take your time≠抓紧时间. 大家都知道take最常见的意思就是“拿,取”,但是把“take your time”可就大错特错啦! 其实take your time有两层意思。 首先,先看 …
Take your time的解释 vt. 从容做(不慌不忙) Take your time的例句 It's an important decision for you, so take your time to think it over. 对你来说,这是一个十分重 …
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